The 'Los Santos Resistance Movement' started their speeches at public places and convinced people that the Government of thecity had to be removed or renewed. The first major test for all these proud officers were the July riots. At that time, the department also had the biggest amount of sworn officers ever since its creation in 1869. Fifty-two academy students passed and obtained the badge, which made them law enforcement officers in Los Santos. In March 2011, the academy 35 had the most graduated officers ever counted in the departments entire history so far. With the expansion of the detective presence, more officers were also needed. To also improve Police Departments presence, the official LSPD's website was launched with all informations of the department, its divisions and what its goals are. Also saw the creation of the Criminal Intelligence Division, spilling and expanding the LSPDs detective presence. The Special Operations Division, Administration Division. 'Divisions' were to operate with at least two units under them were to change the face of departmental operations. In 2011, the Department started off with some administrative reconstruction. The fairly recent invention of the helicopter allowed the department to purchase a full fleet of aviation vehicles, to provide eyes in the sky. By the 1970s the department had a full range of different divisions, from field investigation, to public liaison, to firearms licensing. In response to this, various specialized divisions began to emerge, where officers with specific skill sets would be deployed. As the department grew, criminals became more clever, becoming more secretive, conniving, and illusive. The department quickly adjusted, greatly increasing recruiting efforts, and bringing crime rates back down. This problem was even greater during World War II, when many potential recruits enlisted in the Armed Force. It encompassed the whole scale of crime, from street crimes to mafias. Before long, Los Santos was notorious for its high degree of violence, gambling, prostitution, and corruption. As the city's population grew exponentially - due to the gold rush and end of the Mexican-American war - the fledgling department found itself grossly understaffed.